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What is Align Yoga?

      Align yoga® focuses on the correct alignment of the body. Where we use props to get maximum rewards from every pose by concentrating on the alignment, this is carried out in order to attain improved therapeutic benefits from every session. Align yoga is all about creating more intelligent action in the muscles, tissue and skin.

      Alignment is the term we use in yoga asana to describe the precise way to do any given pose in order to maximize its benefits and minimize the risk of injury. In align yoga when you understand alignment, you have the tools to make almost any yoga pose work for your body.

      Align yoga uses traditional yogic models to look at the whole person. This may mean looking at the koshas, or layers of self, which include the physical, energetic, emotional, wisdom, and spiritual parts of our being. Integrated align yoga therapy (IAYT) addresses the underlying root causes of your pain and suffering, which are often subtle and deep.

      In integrated align yoga therapy (IAYT) session you could expect :
> A thorough intake inquiring into your medical history, along with your physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual needs.
> An analysis of your breath, posture, gait, and various yoga poses.
> Physical poses chosen and adapted for your needs.
> Breathing, meditation, and relaxation practice.

Why The Emphasis On Proper Alignment ?

      Most of us suffer from problems of asymmetry and imbalance. The irregularity and imbalance create a lot of stress and strain in our body. At times, it also leads to injury, pain, or just simple discomfort.

      Due to the emphasis placed on proper alignment, it gives cures for numerous physique pains and improves the physique posture. Most back pains, neck pains are related to bad posture. If you are also one amongst the sufferers, do not worry. Just turn to Align Yoga® India.

      Yoga creates symmetry throughout your body, making you stronger, flexible and balanced. Practicing the various asanas, pranayam, kriyas, mudras, concentrating and meditation improves the overall being of an individual

      The natural simplicity of Align Yoga®India teachings attracts the attention of many people today who are searching for guidelines as to how to help themselves towards a healthier, happier, more meaningful and nobler way of living.

About Us

Align Yoga is a kind of yoga that focuses on the correct alignment of the body.
Align Yoga, focusing on simplified asanas for a variety of illnesses.
