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Yoga Therapy


         A gentle, friendly class to aid, stiffness, swelling, pain & weakness in your mobile joints. In this class a series of anti-rheumatic exercises will be explained and taught to you. This group is of different stretches with the help of props to correct the alignment of your leg. Very gentle class, and works to loosen and rotate all the major joints in the body. It is especially recommended when vigorous physical exercise is curtailed. This practice is followed by a short relaxation practice that is Shavasan.
         Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. It is a degenerative inflammatory condition of bones and joints. Around the age 40, muscles around knee joint lose their elasticity and becomes harder day by day.as a result movement of knee becomes very painful especially during working and stair climbing.
         Align yoga treatment consist of various asanas, stretches with the help of different props like belts, ropes etc. it reduce the pain, realign the components, retain maximum possible usability of the joint also build muscle strength and improve balance. By regular practice of these postures the muscles around the knee joints regain their elasticity, help to separate bones and the movement in joint frictionless.

About Us

Align Yoga is a kind of yoga that focuses on the correct alignment of the body.
Align Yoga, focusing on simplified asanas for a variety of illnesses.
