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Yoga Therapy

Stress Disorders

         Stress is a response pattern and its function is to prepare the body to cope with a demanding situation.
         Whenever the mind is under stress, a number of thoughts come to the mind. Then the mind never stays at the present moment, it dwells either in the memories of the past or the thoughts of the future. Therefore, whatever tasks one undertakes, one is never able to complete the same in time. He or she then develops a tendency to postpone the work or the project.
         Yoga for stress management involves making a person live at the present moment, neither in the past nor in the future so that he or she involves himself or herself hundred percent in whatever task or responsibility he or she is undertaking.
         These sessions are filled with 1 minute to 30 minute practices to help you in your day-to-day life and relieve physical and muscular tensions to mental and emotional ones.

About Us

Align Yoga is a kind of yoga that focuses on the correct alignment of the body.
Align Yoga, focusing on simplified asanas for a variety of illnesses.
