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Yoga Classes

Pregnancy Yoga

        Pregnancy & childbirth are privileged functions of women, essential for the survival of our species. Motherhood brings in lot of responsibilities towards yourself and the unborn. Your responsibilities start from the day you get pregnant.
          Pregnancy is a condition in which women undergo distinct physiological changes and stress and is accompanied by unique physical and psychological demands. There is a need to manage the various physical, emotional, mental, and pain states that arise throughout the stages of pregnancy and labour. The well-being and quality of life of the mother is critical for optimal pregnancy outcomes; self-soothing techniques, yoga asanas, pranayama and relaxation are particularly important in this transitional and meaningful time.
          Regular yoga during pregnancy can benefit a pregnant woman. The discomfort and fatigue can be combated. If you do permissible amount of yoga during pregnancy, the labour is much easier and recovery is faster too.

About Us

Align Yoga is a kind of yoga that focuses on the correct alignment of the body.
Align Yoga, focusing on simplified asanas for a variety of illnesses.
